Make a difference in the life of a victim of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Give Now.
A monthly gift to the WCA will provide safety services to victims of human trafficking. Learn More.
Remember or honor a loved one with a gift to the WCA. Learn More.
You are invited to attend our two big events each year: the Tribute to Women Luncheon in June and the Partners Guild’s REMIX event in October. These special events raise critical funds for the work of the WCA. Learn more.
Take a look at the WCA’s greatest needs, then host a drive or collect what you can from your own home. Learn more.
Many companies will match the personal contributions of their employees. Talk to your employer about matching your 100% tax-deductible donation to the WCA.
The WCA does not discriminate against anyone based on race, age, color,
gender identity, disability, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, marital status, sexual
orientation, political affiliation, Vietnam-era veteran status, or special disabled Veteran status,
or any other characteristic protected by law. Sexual harassment in any form, including hostile
environment and quid pro quo, is prohibited. The agency will comply with all federal, state and
local regulations. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the CEO during regular
business hours.
Ready to chat about how you can help? Please contact our development team!