We work in partnership with area universities, serving in an advisory role and helping to implement comprehensive violence prevention programs that are tailored to meet the unique needs of the institution. We also offer trainings to both staff and students at the request of universities.
We offer a variety of trainings for schools, businesses and community organizations. Each training subject can be customized to your needs, including length of the presentation. The following trainings are available:
Lunch & Learns We offer on-site employee trainings for a suggested donation based on the audience size and type of training. We have an introductory “Domestic Violence and the Workplace” training and can customize any other of our presentations to meet your company’s specific needs.
Domestic Violence 101 Class Participants will learn about various forms of domestic violence and the power and control dynamics behind them.
Consent Participants will gain knowledge of affirmative consent and how to discuss consent.
Dating & Sexual Violence 101 Participants will gain knowledge of teen dating violence and sexual violence victimization among high school and college students.
Dating Violence 101 Participants will gain knowledge of teen dating violence and special considerations for students.
Human Trafficking 101 Participants will gain knowledge of power and control dynamics of both sex trafficking and labor trafficking; facts about trafficking victimization; and safety considerations for survivors.
Sexual Violence & Rape Culture Participants will gain knowledge of the cultural roots related to intimate partner and sexual violence perpetration; the impact of gender stereotypes on sexual violence victimization; and will participate in a discussion about rape culture.
Sexual Violence 101
Participants will gain knowledge of power and control dynamics of sexual violence; facts about sexual violence victimization; and tips for referring survivors to resources.
Stalking & Technology
Participants will gain knowledge of power and control dynamics of stalking; facts about stalking victimization and use of technology in stalking; and tips for referring survivors to resources.
Stalking 101
Participants will gain knowledge of power and control dynamics of stalking; facts about stalking victimization; and tips for referring survivors to resources.
To learn more about domestic violence, go to:
The #Every1KnowsSome1 campaign at the National Network to End Domestic Violence
The Domestic Violence Awareness Project from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
The resource library of the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
The annual Domestic Violence Counts report of the National Network to End Domestic Violence
Statistics from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence